Mini Royale: Nations


MiniRoyale 2 is a free battle Royale game. The game comes with 3D graphics and unique style. Game is very similar to PUBG (Player Unknown's battleground), Fortnite and Apex Legends. There are also other battle royale games like H1Z1 and Counter-Strike Deathzone.

MiniRoyale works on browser without any hardware requirements. With this way all players around the world can access this battle royale game without any problem. All you need to do is a browser and internet connection.

In this game you join with other 10 players around the world and try to survive and be the last man until the end. All players collects supplies, weapons and gadgets to survive better and longer.

There are different kind of weapons, M16A4, AK-47, UZI, Shotgun, Sniper, grenades, smoke grenades, drones and more...

In this game, at some point chemical weapons appears and zone gets smaller. You should stay in the zone and be aware for other enemies.

You also need to select your position carefully. After jumping with parachute, you might end up with other enemies in same place. Controlling parachute is very important too!

1. Select your deployment location on map
2. Control your parachute to fall correct position
3. Search every house, open all doors and collect weapons and equipments
4. You can also shoot drones to collect rewards
5. At some point chemecal weapons will be triggered and you should stay in quarantined area
6. Kill all enemies and be the last survived player in the game

You can break windows, throw grenades, shoot drones, use tablet strategically! There are 15 unique weapon, different weapons and inventory system in this game.

If you like battle-royale style games, you'll love this game!

Also visit appearance menu to customize your character, create your own style. Put your own dance and music on emote option and play it when you kill someone in the game for fun!

Movement : WASD
Shift : Slow Walk
Aim : Mouse
Shoot : Left Click
Focus : Right Click
Jump : Space
Map / Tablet : Caps Lock
Inventory : TAB
Switching Weapon : 1, 2, 3, 4
Using pill or syringe : X
Dance Emote : H