74 is a free strategy game. It is the original strategy iogame of 2016. In this game, the goal is to kill your opponents and take their base. was the first idle strategy iogame on the web and is reborn in Bellum: Legacy. come for the Bellum, stay for the Legacy! Players battle each other for control of the map. Kill your opponents by taking control of their starbases or seek peace with your opponents. Ally with other players to defeat the strongest opponents. Do whatever it takes to get to the top, even if it means betrayal!



How to Play 

Bellum: Legacy is played in rounds (quick game or megaronde). If you join at the beginning of the round, you have to click "+ 1 military power", otherwise you will be awarded MP and units if you joined the round late. Military power (MP) is Bellum's main resource. Use military power to capture other territories, including your opponents. You can actively gain MP by clicking on the "+1 MP" bar or passively gain MP by buying units that generate MP for you. There is a maximum amount of units you can buy, to buy more units you need to capture starbases that grant you 5 extra slots of each type of unit. Generating a lot of MP per second (MPS) shows strength and other players will fear you.





Diplomatic strategy: become allies with as many players as you can on the server, especially if they spawn near each other.

Diplomatic strategy.

Massive economy strategy- Your goal is to have a very high MPS (20k+) to be able to defend yourself against very aggressive opponents.

Everything Destruction Strategy- You will intimidate many players around you and may even make them quit in anger for being so aggressive.

Early Economy Strategy- This requires you to play early in the round, your goal is to get to the top of the leaderboards early and quickly capture nearby bases (stars) before others get the chance. Hurry to gain maximum automatic economy.
